The last round of testing was particularly gruelling – we had to ensure that it didn’t radiate any emissions that could potentially affect aircraft systems, blast Tritium with high-powered radio waves and fire 8,000 volts into it to simulate electrostatic discharge. We chose the test levels to be above and beyond any conditions we expect altimeters to actually encounter, and we’re very happy to say that Tritium passed all the tests!
Above: Shooting 8000 Volts into the altimeter using an ESD gun
We have now opened the online store, so you can now order your very own one-of-a-kind altimeter. We will only be making 100 of these and then moving on to future designs, so what you will have will be truly special. The Tritium Limited Altimeter will come with a manual and a USB charging cable in a black presentation box embossed with silver foil, and a guarantee against manufacturing defects.
We will also be attending BPA’s Skydive the Expo in January 30, 2016 with a few units available for sale that you can take home that very day!
Above: preparing goodies for the Skydive Expo!